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What I'm Currently Reading

grow Dec 29, 2017
by Charlene Fike

Are you someone who reads one book at a time before going to the next one? Or, are you like me and have several going at the same time?

If I'm only reading one book at a time I get paralyzed and have a hard time finishing it. I discovered long ago to have several books handy to match whatever mood I'm in.

So here's what I'm currently reading:

The Inevitable

This book was highly recommended by two people I respect. They know me well. It's given me a lot to process about our changing future as it relates to technology. This book feeds the 'geeky' part of me that want to understand my world better. Sadly, it probably won't make it onto my Bookshelf. I'd love to discuss the ideas with someone who'd read it, but I'm not sure it's a book I'd return to more than once.

What the Mystics Know

This is the most current Richard Rohr book and I'm a fan. Why haven't I added any of his books to my shelf yet? Gotta fix that! Anyway, Rohr helps nurture and feed the part of me that...

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